George Tomzaridis

Software Engineer



Talent Profile

George is a dedicated student at the Hellenic Open University in Greece, where he seamlessly blends his academic studies with practical experience in the field. As an integral part of the Happie Network team, George showcases his proficiency in modern technologies including React.js, Next.js, Swift, and SwiftUI. His expertise extends to a broad suite of development tools, emphasizing his commitment to advancing his skills in software engineering and team collaboration.

In addition to his current technological proficiencies, George is actively broadening his knowledge in the realms of Telematics and the Internet of Things (IoT). His interest in these areas is driven by a passion for enhancing city infrastructure and transportation systems. George's work focuses on leveraging these technologies to develop innovative solutions that improve urban living and streamline transportation, contributing significantly to the evolution of the tech sector. His unique blend of academic knowledge and real-world application positions him at the forefront of technological innovation in city planning and development.

Top Skills




Talent Information

Carrer Level


